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Młyn ze starodrzewia, piękny, na gastronomię, agroturystykę

Odświeżone: Wtorek, 09 Kwiecień, 2024  20:29
860 000 zł

Szczegóły ogłoszenia

  • Kategoria: Inne nieruchomości / Sprzedaż
  • Powierzchnia:485 m2
  • Sprzedaż:Bez pośredników

Opis oferty

Sprzedam młyn drewniany ze starodrzewia w bardzo ładnej lokalizacji bezposrednio przy rzece w pieknej, pagórkowatej okolicy na Lubelszczyźnie. Działka 1600 mkw. plus około 2 ha łąki w odległości 20 m od działki.
Możliwość uzyskania dotacji na modernizację/ocieplenie z różnych środków takich jak "Czyste powietrze".

Dobra lokalizacja na prawie każdy rodzaj dzialalności gospodarczej dla pomysłowego biznesmena albo na weekender dla bogatej rodziny z miasta.

Cena jest do negocjacji. Jest to nieruchomość warta zainwestowania i jej wartość ciągle rośnie gdyż takich obiektów jest w Polsce niewiele.

Step into a World of Tranquility

Nestled in the serene embrace of nature, away from the hustle and bustle of industrial life, lies a hidden gem waiting to be rediscovered. Welcome to our historic flour mill, a place where time stands still, and dreams take flight.

Positioned in a pristine region untouched by heavy industries, this age-old flour mill stands as a testament to craftsmanship and tradition. The property's expansive meadows and gentle river offer an oasis of peace and tranquility.

A Rich History with a Promising Future!

Dating back to an era when the millstone ground wheat into flour, this remarkable structure whispers stories of the past. But the tale doesn't end there; it's waiting for you to pen the next chapter. With your vision, this historical monument could be transformed into a sanctuary for relaxation, creativity, and community.

The Beauty of Nature at Your Doorstep!

Imagine waking up to the melodious song of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle caress of the river's flow. The surrounding meadows are a canvas for your imagination, whether you envision lavish gardens, a hobby farm, or simply an open space to breathe and unwind.

Entertain, Relax, Rejuvenate!

Invite friends to share the magic of this unique retreat. Host garden parties by the river, enjoy picnics in the meadows, or simply bask in the serenity of nature. This is a place to nourish the soul and forge lasting memories.

A Restoration Opportunity Like No Other!

The flour mill's enduring architecture offers endless potential. Transform it into a boutique hotel, an art studio, a wellness retreat, or your personal haven. With your touch, the mill's charm will blossom anew.

Invest in a Legacy!

This is more than a real estate purchase; it's an opportunity to preserve a piece of history and create a legacy of your own. A place where old-world charm meets modern potential, where nature's beauty invites you to rest, and where the only limit is your imagination.

We invite you to explore this timeless treasure. Experience the tranquility, envision the possibilities, and let your creativity flow. The flour mill is not merely a property; it's a lifestyle, a dream, a future.

Contact us today to arrange a private tour and embark on a journey to a world where peace, beauty, and history align. The flour mill is waiting for you.
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Marco Catering
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